There's a great line from about a famous convict working on Royal Mail bags in prison.
"Sewing?" The Prison Guard asks. "No," comes the reply. "Reaping."
There's much work to do with communications in 2012.
In the public sector there is a pressing demand to use Facebook better. Very few places have got it cracked.
One of the most inspiring days I've spent this year was at the Facebook for the Public Sector event at Birmingham City event.
Of course, I would say that really wouldn't I? I helped a bit towards organising with my colleague Darren Caveney and the excellent Nick Hill from Public Sector Forums.
We were fortunate to have some excellent speakers in Ben Proctor, Ally Hook, Helen Reynolds and Steph Jennings.
In the afternoon there was an unconference element which was led by the superb Andy Mabbett.
What really amazed me was the willingness of comms people to learn and share ideas and embrace the format.
Sometimes, I've been to events populated with public relations people and quietly worried at people's attitudes.
Looking around the room, there was ideas, inspiration and a determination to make things work.
Here are my slides from the event. They talk about the need to map out the need for Facebook. There's some stats, a bit of strategy and some basic principles to work to. There's also some examples from across the public and private sectors.