up for the cup: july's most popular links
Friday, August 1, 2014
Darren Caveney

Here it is. The most coveted award in PR blogging. The post of the month cup worked out by which is the most read post on our site.

by Dan Slee 

April is the cruelest month, TS Elliot once wrote, because it breeds hope. He never was one for the gag that would leave them in stitches, was Our Terry. July, however, was a bumper month on comms2point0.

Not only did the sun shine endlessly, apart from when we had the comms2point0 planning session watching the cricket and it rained, but there was a ripe crop of sun bronzed blogs that made us stop, think and look both ways.

In reverse order, the 5th most popular post was an anonymous post asking whether or not PR people should join the public sector industrial action. It was a great post. Not least because it sparked debate and the comment section alone is worth the read for the tooing and frooing and pros and cons. 

The 4th most popular post was my wonderfully written post about comms needing to be the grit in the oyster wrote in 20-minutes on a train

The 3rd most popular was Robert Phillips' great post about the future of PR. Robert is crowdfunding his book Trust Me: PR Is Dead and an excellent read it promises to be. I've added my name to the crowdfunding list to get a copy and think you should too here. 

The 2nd most popular post - the 'Waterloo Sunset' of the month if you will - was Dave Brigg's post on 10 digital principles you can read here.

Which leaves the most popular post, the number one, the Renee and Renata of comms blogging, as Eddie Coates-Madden's post on how even nespaper editors are turning their backs on the press release. This I'm sure will please Eddie no end. He's a quiet lad is Eddie and needs a bit of encouragement to come forward and we feel that if only he could have the confidence to have an opinion and then express it he'd go far. Maybe one day, with luck, he may become a head of communications in a British city.

One day, Eddie, lad. One day. 

Dan Slee is co-founder of comms2point0.

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Article originally appeared on comms2point0 free online resource for creative comms people (http://twoheads.squarespace.com/).
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