how do you still have a job in 2020…? do, listen, collaborate and share
Monday, January 18, 2016
Darren Caveney in 2016, 2020, comms, communications, dan slee, future, future proofing, future skills, skills

We're staging three unawards masterclasses across the country. There are slides in the morning and an unconference in the afternoon where the agenda is decided on the day. But where does it fit in the need to learn?

by Dan Slee

You. If you are willing to learn new things there’s a chance you’ll still have a job in 2020.

This is not a bold statement. It’s surprising how many people quietly have contacted me to say that line resonates.

A few weeks ago with the old year fading and the New Year upon us I wrote that. It means just as much now you are into the swing of things as it did on New Year’s Day.

Around 12-months ago I wrote about the 40 skills a comms team would need. There’s probably something like 42 or 43 now. Relax, I don’t think everyone can know them all. But I do think that you should be a specialist generalist able to do a range of things but be really good at a handful.

I was reminded of all of this need for learning twice in the last week. Firstly, gazing over London on top of the BT Tower for a Government Communications Service event to celebrate good communications in the past year. Secondly, watching the response to three free comms2point0 masterclasses to help share the learning from unawards.

The London event saw examples of world class communications in a range of fields by central government. The Britain is Great campaign, for example. And the Blood Donation Service.

The unawards masterclasses sees examples of world class communications from the public sector in events in Leeds, Birmingham and London. Props to the Local Government Association for getting behind them together with sponsors Alive With Ideas and Govdelivery. Shout too to Darren Caveney my comms2point0 oppo whose baby this is.

There are four ways you can learn things today to still be in a job in 2020.


By far the best. Just do it. Try things out. Experiment. Fail. I get the need for data-driven comms. But I also see the need to try things out to see if they work without those rockets being powered by data.  


Hear what people have to say. It may be at an event or reading a blog post. But take time every day to read and reflect.  


Try out new ideas with others. It’s more fun that way. If it succeeds there are more happy people. If it fails you can spread the learning. At its heart this is what still excites me about an unconference where the agenda is decided on the day.


Once you do something worth shouting about share it. Tell others. Write. Blog. Talk. Tell people. It’s the only way people will share the learning.

The unawards masterclass will take place:

24 February, Leeds – The Studio

9 March, Birmingham – The Studio

23 March, London – Mayor’s Rooms, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London

For more information about ticket releases click here.

Dan Slee is co-creator of comms2point0.

Picture credit.





Article originally appeared on comms2point0 free online resource for creative comms people (
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