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#foxnewsfacts: the mother of all rebuttals

When Fox News decided to screen an interview with an 'expert' who claimed nobody non-Muslim went to Birmingham the internet decided to settle the score with humour.

by Dan Slee

First we got mad, then we got angry... and then we just took down Fox News a peg or two by being a bit British about the whole thing.

If You missed it, right wing US news channel Fox News interviewed an 'expert' who claimed that non-Muslims no longer go to Birmingham in the UK. A city of more than one million. Not one infidel. Not one.

Just to round it all off the wide-eyed Washington-based interviewee claimed that Sharia Law was being enforced by the religious police on the streets of London.

Coming on the day more than a million people gathered in Paris unite against intollerance and the Charlue Hebdo murders this was at best unhelpful. At worst, this was comfortably the laziest piece of shoddy journalism I can ever remember coming across.

At first, we got angry. How dare they?

Then the #foxnewsfacts hashtag emerged as a counterweight. It was a joyous thing. A response made up of Britiish sarcasm and p**s taking. News media weighed in. But the best content was that from people themselves.

As a rebuttal to inaccurate journalism this is peerless.

As an example of what the social web can do it was brilliant.

Here is a selection of some that made us laugh.

Well played Birmingham. And everyone else.

Dan Slee is co-creator of comms2point0.

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