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Entries in tv (3)


the weird and wonderful watching habits of the comms and digital community

The Twitter community is one of the greatest research resources in the world. If you need to know something, just ask Twitter. The results never cease to amaze.

by Darren Caveney

I have watched a lot of TV in my life. And I mean a lot. I don’t mean the middle of the road twaddle that gets served up in the name of entertainment and puts me off ever checking the TV listings. No, what I mean are the real quality TV shows whose watching via ‘boxsets’ has become a bona fide pastime.

I have seen all of the classics. But now I am adrift and in need of something new to get into.

So I was after some recommendations and what better way than to ask the rather marvellous comms2point0 followers to chip in. And boy did you respond, with over 40 suggestions emerging.

And if you also fancy checking out something new this is a pretty great list from which to choose.

So what did we learn?

Well we learned that Paul Masterman’s favourite shows are Bullseye and Nogin the Nog. Well, “you can’t beat a bit of bully”.

Seeing the Brummie classic, Crossroads, on the list was a tad unexpected.

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#foxnewsfacts: the mother of all rebuttals

When Fox News decided to screen an interview with an 'expert' who claimed nobody non-Muslim went to Birmingham the internet decided to settle the score with humour.

by Dan Slee

First we got mad, then we got angry... and then we just took down Fox News a peg or two by being a bit British about the whole thing.

If You missed it, right wing US news channel Fox News interviewed an 'expert' who claimed that non-Muslims no longer go to Birmingham in the UK. A city of more than one million. Not one infidel. Not one.

Just to round it all off the wide-eyed Washington-based interviewee claimed that Sharia Law was being enforced by the religious police on the streets of London.

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love tv, love live, love tech

We know that our online consumption has changed through our use of mobile and tablets. But what effect has this had on our TV watching habits? A new report by TV Licensing lets us in on the latest intel.

by Sam Waterton

Last week, we launched TeleScope 2014, an annual TV industry report from TV Licensing providing an insightful glimpse of nation’s changing TV viewing habits.

It finds that the living room remains, even with the rise of mobile devices, our favourite place to watch ‘must see’ programmes — naturally enough in the company of our friends and family. Not only that, despite access to a range of catch up services like, iPlayer and 4oD, the UK still loves live TV.

So, what does this mean for PR and communications?

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